Estudio de Diseño en Barcelona | Diseño Gráfico | Creatividad | Branding | Publicidad | Packaging | Creatividad

Client: Gremi d’Hotels de Barcelona
Services: Advertising

Save water

This is an action plan for daily water conservation. The Gremi d'Hotels de Barcelona acknowledges the water wastage caused by guests staying in the city. In the current environmental context of global threat and locally due to the alert of extreme drought, such attitudes are unacceptable. To raise awareness and encourage responsible consumption of this resource, we have designed an element that will be placed in all hotel rooms. Spreading the word for the general good is the first step.

Here are some facts and tips:
The amount of water consumed varies depending on the activity. It is important to be mindful of water usage in daily activities. 

For example, washing hands typically uses 2-12L of water, while brushing teeth uses 3-8L.  To flush the toilet, use 200-300 L of water. When filling the bathtub, be mindful of water usage. Remember to close the faucet when not in use to save water. When brushing your teeth, use a glass. Use the double flush of the toilet. Take showers.


Gremi d’Hotels de Barcelona
Verema d’Alella
Agua de Lunares

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